Monday, December 27, 2010

hi people.

Hi people, i am from singapore and i am 25 years old this year. i had work related accident during 3rd september 2010. A metal piece flew and hit my eye. The impact is so hard that it injured my nerve. i am left with about 80 percent of vision in my right eye. Perfect vision in my left eye.

Things are different ever since the accident. I think i am suffering from depression but mild depression. Ever since the accident i stay at home for four straight months.

First month was not really depressing as i thought i was going heal completely as the doctors told me it's just nerve swelling it's go down in a month.

Second month came by, i started to feel weird in my left eye( good eye), i went for check up at the hospital and doctors applied some kind of eye drop which left a stinging sensation. But i was ignorant and i did not care much, so i went home. but i watched tv till midnight, the burning sensation became worst and i was really afraid of something might happen to my good eye. So i went back to the hospital next few days. i was told it was nothing.

3rd month came by, i started to do really werid things, like running in the middle of the afternoon in the sun. walking from house to a shopping mall, it took me 45 mins to reach.
Each time i take a nap, i ended up waking up with full regrets, i would tell myself why i appear on work that day, why i was not goggles, why i work this type of job, why i did not study, i would just blaming myself. i really wanted to cry but i could not. There wasn't any tears at all.

i keep telling myself i need to move on, i need to wake up, there are more people suffering worst than me. But i just cannot help falling in to depression. i just feel sad. Sad about i am going to use this kind of vision for the rest of my life, i am going to see my kids in this kind of vision, see the world in this kind of vision. Yes i know ppl might tell me, some ppl are born blind and they cannot even see the world. yes i really pity them, but i got any kind of opinion but it's just my opinion, i feel ppl who can see and suddenly turn blind is worst than those who are born blind, because ppl who can see know what is darkness, and darkness is often scary. but i really feel for those who lost their sight, i am really sorry.

four month passes by, i feel that i have aches all over my body, i know i am too tensed up, but i scare i might die.. i am becoming crazy, i dunno who am i anymore! i feel scared, afraid, lonely even though my girlfriend is with me.

i used to be cheeful, love to joke around, search for funny videos online, cars, gym, work out, build the best body. but now... nothing seems to interest me. not even sex..... what the... i really dun know what should i do.

this blog is set up for ppl who has lost their vision, who born with one vision, who has been living with one vision, or has eye problems, retinal detachment, so on...

Please feel free to share your stories! i hope to make friends like u all and hope ppl can maybe give some cheerful advice!

Feel free to share your stories and how u pick yourself up. Thanks ppl

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